

評分 3.5 (1,449) · 供應中 An open-world action adventure game set in a simulated world in which humans never reached the top of the food chain.

Pine on Steam

評分 3.5 (1,449) Pine is an open world action adventure simulation game. Set in the beautiful world of Albamare, you take on the role of Hue, a smart young adult who will have ...

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評分 3.5 (1,447) · 供應中 最低配備: 需要64 位元的處理器及作業系統; 作業系統*: Windows 7 (64-bit); 處理器: Quad Core 3.2 Ghz or equivalent

在Steam 購買Pine

評分 3.5 (52) 《Pine》是一款情感豐沛的短劇情互動遊戲,透過手繪動畫和悠揚音樂講述故事,無言勝有言,正適合一口氣玩到結局,品味悠長餘韻。 主角是一名木匠,因妻子逝世,終日沉浸於悲傷之 ...


評分3.5(1,449)·供應中Anopen-worldactionadventuregamesetinasimulatedworldinwhichhumansneverreachedthetopofthefoodchain.,評分3.5(1,449)Pineisanopenworldactionadventuresimulationgame.SetinthebeautifulworldofAlbamare,youtakeontheroleofHue,asmartyoungadultwhowillhave ...,評分3.5(1,447)·供應中最低配備:需要64位元的處理器及作業系統;作業系統*:Windows7(64-bit);處理器:QuadCore3.2Ghzorequivalent,評分3.5(5...